With man-db entering p-u-new now, the package list for the last update of Sarge as “stable” distribution is frozen now. All further updates to Sarge will happen, as soon as Sarge is declared “oldstable”.
This seems to become a busy weekend. :-)
I just sent the first preparation mail for r5, which will either happen end of December or 48h before the release of Etch, whatever comes first. It currently does not cover all packages, as there are still quite a couple (more then 20) packages th...
Yesterdays statistic from debian-devel-changes:
17x “New upstream release” with only 2 packages actualy fixing bugs!
5x “Initial Release”!
Guys, that close before the release, use experimental, that is what it is for. And it gets autobuilded fo...
I had a nice discussion recently how we could relaunch DWN. Idea was, that if we would get more contributors for times.debian.net, we could easyly produce a weekly summary out of that.
But for that, we need more contributors. So if you think this...
For the next upcoming stable update, which should happen around October, 16th, is just sent the first preparation mail. Procedure is as usual, intervene if you think, we do something completely wrong here. An up-to-date version of my mail can allw...
The best you can do on a tepidly summer evening like today? Drinking a glass of single malt scottish whisky while reading a good book and enjoying the sunset.
This blog should serve both as a reminder of the planned BSPs around the world the upcoming weekends and as a proposal for some tasks to tackle then.
At this point there are two “real-life” BSPs planned for this weekend, 08th-10th September in Vi...